
In 1995, while working as a jeweler, I started creating my own eyewear. Since then, eyeglasses have been a design curiosity, and I have designed frames for mass-production, custom frames for individual clients, and artistic experiments for exhibitions.

Occasionally, I also teach workshops on hand-making eyeglasses.

3D Printed Eyewear

Horn Frames


Eyewear Experiments

Hang ‘em High

Frame made with EKG pads and rubber cords for a unique wearable.

Materials: EKG pads, rubber O-rings, CR39 lenses

Tea for Two

Suffering from eye strain? This frame is made from two teaspoons and a tea strainer.

Materials: stainless steel, polycarbonate

all-American Spectacle

A patriotic eyeshade, to help anyone feel like a superhero.

Materials: zyl/cellulose acetate plastic

Visons of Rosewood

An experimental frame made from laminated rosewood and mahogany, includes hand-made spring hinges that depend on the flexibility of the wood.

Materials: wood, cork, brass, polycarbonate lenses

Wood Frames


Recombining old and new, these frames are fabricated from two corroded chain links, and tipped with horseshoe nails. The steel pieces are connected with gold, and finished with rubies.

Materials: steel, 14ky gold, ruby, polycarbonate lenses, silicone nosepads